Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Inferring Ideas :)

Wow, it's only Tuesday and it is going to be a loooong week my friends!  We just finished up inferring yesterday and I came up with some fresh inferring ideas I'm pretty psyched to share :)  We started practicing inferring with Abby's amazing activities mentioned HERE.  Then, unfortunately we went on break and didn't come back until the middle of January.  My kiddos inferring skills went out the window during this time!  I had to do something to get them back on track and found a lot of great Pinterest ideas for inferring.  {SHOCKINGLY}, what I found was the more we practiced inferring, the more my students began to LOVE it!!!  So, here's some of my new inferring ideas I used with my kiddos over the past week, hope they are helpful :)

When we started inferring the meaning of new or big words, we had to read one of my very favorite books...Big Words for Little People by Jamie Lee Curtis.  This is my new MUST for inferring!  I told them we we're going to play an inferring game.  Since we're in 2nd grade, we played "Are You Smarter Than a 3rd Grader?" (to psych them up!) with this book. 

I would read the "clue" or definition of the word and the students had to infer what the word was.  THEY LOVED IT!!!  Especially when one of my kiddos figured out perservere, two students just stared at him with their mouths open...hehe :)

We also used this template to find a new word in one of our JRBs and infer the meaning of it.

Next up was an "Inferring About Me" activity.  I had my sweeties right down adjectives in a circle map about themselves without their name on it.  We then pulled out the papers one-by-one from a basket and inferred from their clues who each person was.  Another winner with them!  They begged to play it again later that day and they especially liked that is was all about them and the schema they had about their friends.  Here's a blank template to use if you want to try this activity :)

Finally, we played a similar game yesterday with inferring about our favorite book characters.  It was great because they really had to think about "clues" about their character and we had to use our schema to solve the mystery!  It went really well until one of my kids decided he was going to pick Michael Jackson to infer about and was angry that the other students didn't agree with him about Michael Jackson's status as a "favorite book character"...hehe! :)

Wow, sorry for such a looong one!  I have to leave you with one last thing inferring thing I found on Courtney's (Swimming into Second Grade) blog this weekend that is too cute not to mention...

LOVE IT!!!  Courtney is FANTASTIC and has sooo many awesome ideas, make sure to check out her FAB blog :)  Here's all the {FREEBIES}, thanks for sticking around for a super long one today friends!  Our $50 giveaway ends tomorrow, make sure to enter HERE!!! :)


1 Tammy said...

I just pinned the book. Thanks for the idea!

Forever in First

2 Unknown said...

Love this...now I need to get that book! =)
First Grade Blue SKies

3 Unknown said...

Thanks Lisa and Beth! Love these ideas. I'm going to have to get that book..too cute. And I love the "Are You Smarter than a 3rd grader" idea. I'm going to use that for sure.

Swimming into Second

4 Jessica said...

Bought the book as soon as I read about this- what great ideas for such an abstract concept for kiddos! Thanks!

5 Lisa at Fourth and Ten said...

We are doing inferencing again next week and this post got me so excited! :)
Stories From Second

6 Kelley Cirrito said...

I looooove that book and the author!! I just introduced my kids to her books this week. We had a couple of minutes of down time and I decided to pull something out of the "forbidden" teacher cabinet. They have requested I read a Jamie Lee Curtis story everyday. Here pretty soon I am going to run out of books!

7 Cecelia said...

I love that book, too. It is so popular with the kids.
I think your circle map idea is brilliant! Thank you for sharing!

8 Sandy said...

You are brilliant! Thanks for the resources! We are working on inferencing this week!!!!! Thanks again!!! :-)

9 Holly said...

I just pinned it too!:)

Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

10 Japanese Used Cars said...
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