Monday, January 16, 2012

Giveaway Reminder and a Mini Rant :)

Our First Giveaway in Honor of 100 + Followers!!

The winner will be randomly selected on Wednesday, January 18th at 10 pm. So you have just a few days left to enter! :) The way to enter is easy. You get entries for being a follower...following Lisa on TPT....posting about the giveaway....and adding our button to your blog. Easy, right? Details are below, but just leave a comment for each entry with your email address as listed {HERE}.   Make sure you leave your comment on the original post so you have a chance to win!

We are so now on to the PRIZE!!


A $25 Gift Certificate to either Target OR Amazon ~winner's choice!


1. Follow our blog. (1 entry)

2. Follow Lisa's TPT page.
(1 entry)

3. Post our button on your blog. (2 entries)

4. Re-post about this giveaway on your blog.
(2 entries)

SO get started can't win if you don't enter!! :)

Now, on to the mini rant...Last night, we were kicked off Blogger because our blog was deemed "suspicious" and "threatening".  Obviously, this was a mistake because this is "where sunshine and smiles meet".  They ended up fixing it after several hours and a mini heart attack on my part later.  I must ask this the face of someone threatening and suspicious?!?!  Alright, rant over, I can laugh about it now! Hehe :)  Have a happy rest of your Monday!!! :)

P.S. THANK YOU SO MUCH to Lauren at The First Grade Diaries and Kayla at Primary Junction for the Versatile Blogger awards and Liebster awards today :)  If you haven't checked out these super talented teachers, please make sure you do :)  They are WONDERFUL, so show them some love :)


  1. Oh, wow, that is completely crazy. Why would they think that?

    Swimming into Second

  2. Weird! I wonder how that happened?! Glad you're back in action!

    Mrs. Bainbridge's Blog

  3. I follow your blog. :)

    A Class Act

  4. Glad they figured out their mistake!! =)
    First Grade Blue SKies

  5. You do look a bit "suspicious" and "threatening"! Especially that vicious puppy in your picture! :) Glad you got that all fixed!!!

  6. Something similar happened to me with my food blog on wordpress! It was so frustrating! Glad you got it figured out!
    Stories From Second

  7. Hey I wanted to let you know I've nominated your adorable blog for the Versatile Blogger award :) Check out to see your shout out!!

    I'm sorry this is a few days late letting you know! I had trouble getting back to your blog after I posted it!!
